Below, you can meet some of our alumni, including details on their research focus and current roles:
Ashish Shrestha: Doctoral degree in Energy Systems at USN on the topic "Real time estimation of the energy-mix-limit for the secure operation of converter dominated power system".
Mulugeta Weldezgina Asres: Doctoral degree in monitoring of complex systems on the topic "Anomaly Detection, Prognostics, and Diagnostics: Machine Learning for the Hadron Calorimeter at the CMS Experiment".
Mehdi Poorniko: Doctoral degree in Human-Automation Interaction at USN on the topic "Modeling Perspective on Human-Automation Interaction (HAI): Levels and Trust in Automation"
Sahil Waqar: Doctoral degree in Human activity recognition (HAR) systems on the topic "Breaking Data Barriers for Radio frequency-Based Classification: Unveiling a Simulation-Centric Data Synthesis Framework for Human Activity Recognition via Radar Sensing"