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Cases for Internship for PhD members of INRESCOS

Internship: N2 Applied

  • Open for application - 2 Internship positions with relevant background
  • Contact:
  • Key words:  N2, farming and technology

N2 is a technology development company who is developing a new technology for the global fertiliser market. The business concept for a technology development company is to understand the value chain to select the right partners and customers for developing and deploying the technology.

 The core of the technology is plasma, but the technical development is covering a long value-chain.  In the value chain, N2 need to have cutting edge competence on relevant technology and business aspects.

The field of required competence for the value chain are:

  • Electrical engineering competence related to installing and utilising renewable energy concepts.  Grid load responsibility and quality.
  • Data collection, analysis, optimisation, and control of units in a grid and system
  • Power supply for AC to DC conversion and control of a highly instable consumption.  Seeing the relationship between power-supply design and plasma quality regimes.
  • Fundamental understanding of different plasma regimes and how they are simulated, calculated, and diagnosed.
  • Quantum physics and chemistry for air plasma regimes.  Reaction kinetics and energy transfer between electric fields, magnetic fields, electron phase and activated/ionised molecules and atoms and their gas kinetic, rotational, and vibrational energy forms.
  • Gas chemistry and classical thermodynamics for reaction kinetics and equilibrium calculations/simulations.
  • None-equilibrium or irreversible thermodynamics in air plasma. Catalytic effects driving none-equilibrium effects in oxidation of nitrogen to NO, NO2, N2O3, N2O4 HNO2, N2O5.
  • Absorption and re-absorption of NOx in watery solution at different pH ranges. Stripping of volatile gasses, NH3/VFA etc from organic waste streams.
  • The effect of Reactive Nitrogen Species and Reactive Oxygen Species on soil and slurry biology.  Inhibition, hygienisation, disinfection, killing and DNA/RNA destruction at different pH levels. Removal of pathogens, multy resistant bacteria, antibiotics, drugs etc.
  • NOx reactions with organic components, amines, proteins, fatty acid, reactions in livestock and human waste.  The Nitrogen cycle globally and locally.  IPCC focus on scope 3.
  • Nutrient effects on soil biology and crop yields.  Field trials, pot trials, microbiology testing and characterisation.
  • Practical farm integration and integration with bio-gas industry.
  • Total optimisation of process from energy to crop yield, local pollution and GHG reduction.



Case 2

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