What is Systems Thinking?
This course presents introductory concepts, methods, and tools required for adopting and applying a systemic philosophy of thinking in the realm of complexity. It is designed to educate students a new paradigm of problem solving in which collective benefits of the entire system is considered in evaluations in addition to those of its stakeholders. Students will learn how to think critically about complex problems through analysing influential components and modelling dynamics of interactions within the ecosystem from which the problem is emerging.
Why take this course?
This course is recommended for any problem solver who deals with complexity and tries to find a solution for a complex problem. Large-scale and complex problems are often the product of numerous interactions among variety of stakeholders. Understanding stakeholders of such environments, their interests, the way they impact the dynamics of forces within their ecosystem, and their patterns of behaviour are essential for framing and ultimately formulating the right problem. This knowledge will consequently enable problem solvers in finding a universally applicable solution, which is beneficial also for the entire ecosystem beyond its geographical and temporal frames, collectively.
Who should take this course?
This class is recommended for graduate students and professionals, who wish to learn a new critical thinking paradigm along with its application methodologies, regardless of their fields and backgrounds. The high-level leaders and manager who are in charge of socio-technical, societal, and large-scale systems will benefit from this. Beyond that, the course will open new horizons in understanding complexity for any thinker who involves in solving complex problems.
Practical informations:
- Lectures at USN Kongsberg, campus Krona
- 24-28 June (week 26), daily lectures from 8:40 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (mon.-fri.)
- Homework project (week 26 - 35)
- Home assignment submission due on Friday 6th September (Week 36)
- Limited places (10)
You can find all our PhD courses here.
The course is free for the member of the industry research school on complex systems. Travel and hotel expenses will be covered by the school