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  • Ph.D. course "Research in Industrial Context" – Module 1

Ph.D. course "Research in Industrial Context" – Module 1

Workshop SAFIR

The Ph.D. course will help the students to understand and reflect on their own industrial work experiences, as a researcher and/or as an engineer.

06 Mar

Practical information


Industry Research School – Reflective practice

Module 1, March 6th, UIA Grimstad (Room C4 093), 0830-1600

Agenda (every session will have an introduction to the topic (about 25 min) and then facilitated group work and reflective practice):

0830    Welcome and introduction

0845    Research in an industrial and organizational context [Geir Ringen]

1015    Stakeholders and measures of effectiveness (MOE) [Bjørg M. Granly]

1145    Lunch

1230    Creating trust for co-creating in-depth new knowledge [Halvor Holtskog]

1400    Bridging the “valley of death” – experiences from industry- and academia projects [Michael Rygaard Hansen]

1530     Introduction to next module [USN]

1600    Summary and Wrap-up

All course attendees are welcome to meet for dinner in Grimstad on March 5th (place and time will be announced later)

You can apply for the course here.