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  • Industry & PhD event at Catapult centre, Raufoss

Industry & PhD event at Catapult centre, Raufoss

Catapulten Raufoss

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration between academia and industry

23 Sep

Practical information

We are excited to announce an upcoming event tailored specifically for our PhD member community.

Day 1 (September 23 - Catapult Centre, Raufoss, 3rd floor, Building 5) 

1000 Get to know each other (mingling and coffee)

1030 Introduction to case [NTNU, Geir Ringen, Carla Assuad, Ragnar Holthe, Halvor Holtskog]  

1100 Introduction from Industry  Tour (case of aluminium value chain complexity) [Benteler, Yngve Langsrud] 

1130 Lunch

1215 Group work PhDs on presented case study [PhDs] 

1430 Break and snacks

1530 Presentation of group work and summary

1700 Social event [Bowling for PhDs] 

1930 Dinner [Gjøvik, Restaurant Strand, for all INRESCOS] 

Day 2 (September 24, NTNU Gjøvik, Smaragd Building, room S535)

0900 Module III Research in Industrial Context

We look forward to seeing you there!